Made in Scotland, this fixed-pin penannular-style plaid brooch with Lion Rampant pin top and thistle terminals. Brooches with large movable central pins were near universal as garment fasteners in the Iron Age, although the design was heartily adopted and elaborated by the peoples of Scotland and Ireland in the centuries between 700 and 900AD.
The Lion Rampant has been the symbol of the Scottish MOnarchs since at least the time of Alexander II and the 1220s. 'Rampant' is a heraldic term for a beast standing on its hind legs, with raised claws, poised ready to strike. It represents the courage, bravery and ferocity of the Scots. This brooch is intended to evoke the confidence of medieval, Renaissance and modern Scotland altogether.
Cast in 100% lead-free pewter. Generally in stock but please allow 3 weeks.